Meet Rebecca 


Known as "The Metaphysical Flight Attendant," Becca Tripp is an author, spiritual coach, and creative manifestress on a mission! Through speaking engagements, workshops, and global events, she shares the wisdom of a life lived at 35,000 feet, and helps people from all walks of life tap into the innate power of their personal spiritual connection.

After 35 years as a "Sky Goddess" with United Airlines, Becca reinvented herself as a spiritual teacher, coach, and healer. A teacher of meditation and creative visualization since 2004, her work integrates several proven modalities to help clients and students heal themselves and create their ideal lives through the power of positive thought.

Her book, Secrets of a Metaphysical Flight Attendant, is a spiritual memoir which shares the fascinating story of Becca's adventure-filled life in the skies while simultaneously providing readers with tools, reflections, and exercises to help them harness the infinite power of their own innate divinity. 

Email: [email protected]

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